The Fassett Letters - Letter #44

One sheet blue lined paper ~7¾ x 9¾”.


Date: 2/4/1858

Place: San Francisco

From: Chittenden

To: Mother


San Francisco 4th Feby 1858

Mrs C. H. Fassett

                     Granville Ohio

                                        Dear Mother

                                                         Enclosed I hand Mess Wells Fargo & Co draft payable in New York City to order H. Fassett for Fifty Dollars. probably will not send any more untill I hear from you as you did not send any amount I do not know how much you need, but if you want any more write me immediately and you shall have it. please acknowledge receipt of both as I wish to know that you get it sent you $50= by same conveyance Jany 4th I know. Received a letter from you dated Dec 21st much obliged all well at Placerville. have not heard from Ann for about two weeks they must be well or I should hear from them. I always put off writing untill the last minute, and that is my excuse for my hurried and scrabbly letters to you. to day being Steamer day which is a settling day with everybody and a busy one I have been unusually hurried and it is now late in the evening and I have had no supper So do excuse me. with a few lines I am very well intend to write Jane and John soon. Expect to go to Oregon on business immediately after next Steamer day 19th Feb shall probably be gone a month. write me same as ever for I will be back before you can know I am gone and write back. My love to all and write often. I want to see Mary’s hand on paper. if she cannot write she better learn. This is 14 pages full I have written in 1 hour and one quarter. My love to all and Remember I am as ever yours


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