The Fassett Letters - Letter #20

Date: 3/5/1855
Place: Placerville
From: H.H. Fassett
To: Mother
Placerville Cala March 5 1855
     Dear Mother,
                         Yesterday we received your letter of Jan 27th were all very glad to hear that you were all well and in good spirits, and as you said to us, we will reiterate “when you write, write items” any little things, and if instead of thinking so much and writing so much advice you would tell us about all the folks, what the children are doing, how the people of our acquaintance are &c, &c,
              As to Ann’s watching over me she does not see me once a week, and if I was disposed to do anything wrong how could she avoid it or ever know it, It’s curious Mother,! but never mind, as to what I am doing as I have written before this I am in the Store with Chittenden and like the Country very well, business is very good notwithstanding the winter has been very dry, and for all we have so little rain here and are used to dry weather still a droughth affects us in the rainy season as much as most any other place. for on the amount of Gold taken out depends the prosperity of the country, and without water no Gold can be got out, as the dirt in which it is, must be all washed clean to get it all out, The processes are so many and so different that without seeing it you can have very little idea of how it is done. It is now raining quite hard & the prospects for dry diggings are good. and freights, provisions &c will no doubt raise & things assume a brighter aspect in general. Here I have been in Cala all winter, and such a winter why! Mother if you had been here with me you would certainly have like me fell in love with the country. Warm pleasant balmy days like the October days in the states. no fire to keep up & doors all open and then if we wish cold weather we can have it as cold as we want by going up in the mountains 10 or 15 miles. & in a clear day by going up on the Hills can see snow the year round, and in the coldest of the year here by going 25 or 30 miles the weather will be pleasant. I think in reference to this land as the Queen of Sheba did of Solomen “Behold! the half had not been told me.”
                                                     The climate is so very healthy & delightful that  any one that does not enjoy life here cannot any where. and I think now like Germain that this is the country to settle in for all the world, and that sometime I hope to visit you all with a good pile, and then return to this country.
                James Morrow is here & leaves in the morning for the States, & I intend sending this by him he will come & see you & tell you more about how we live here &c &c than I can write. time presses its late. Good night dear Mother

My love to all the family Father, Brothers & Sisters,
Grandmother & all the pretty Girls no exceptions with them,
Write soon offten & long
This picture I send to Harry, Mary, & Willie,

                                                                    Yours Truly
                                                                                   H H Fassett

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