Christopher P. Landee, Professor of Physics and Adjunct Professor of Chemistry, is an experimental condensed matter physicist with a knack for the chemical synthesis of new magnetic compounds. His current primary interest is the investigation of quantum behavior in low-dimensional antiferromagnets (spin chains, spin ladders, magnetic rectangles and squares) Related interests involve the creation of insulating magnets with spontaneous moments at room temperature, and magets which are unable to order for geometrical reasons. He leads an active group of physics and chemistry students with Mark Turnbull of the Department of Chemistry. Landee uses bulk magnetic measurements (susceptibility and magnetization) spin resonance, and neutron scattering at low temperatures to gain insight into the behavior of the compounds created. Landee finds it "a delight that we can imagine a new magnetic compound, design it using ideas from structural chemistry, grow a crystal in the chemistry lab, and then find that the magnet behaves as we expected."
Landee received his A.B. from Kalamazoo College and his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. He spent four years at Washington State University and one year at the CNRS laboratories in Grenoble, France before coming to Clark in 1980. He fell in love with France during his stay in Grenoble and has spent his two sabbaticals at Universities in the Paris region.
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Updated 21 August 2000.