Harvey Gould

Research Professor of Physics
Clark University
950 Main St.
Worcester, MA 01610-1477
phone: 508-793-7169 (office)

Harvey Gould uses molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo methods to study nucleation and the dynamics of first-order phase transitions, and other problems in statistical mechanics including earthquake fault systems and wealth inequality. Much of his work is in collaboration with Bill Klein of Boston University, Jan Tobochnik of Kalamazoo College, and Wolfgang Christian of Davidson College. A variety of research projects is available for interested students.

Gould is co-author with Jan Tobochnik of the undergraduate textbook, Statistical and Thermal Physics, second edition, published by Princeton University Press in September 2021. The text is part of Open Source Physics. Also see the Open Source Physics GitHub repository.

Gould is also coauthor of three editions of the undergraduate text, Introduction to Computer Simulations Methods in Physics, with Jan Tobochnik and Wolfgang Christian. The revised third edition book is available on Amazon.

Gould was Associate Editor of the American Journal of Physics for over ten years and co-edited the Computer Simulation column in Computers in Physics and Computing in Science and Engineering for over ten years.

Jan Tobochnik and Harvey Gould are editors of the Computational Physics Section of the American Journal of Physics.

Check out recent work by physicists on wealth inequality. The ePub is available at no charge at the iTunes Store.

Gould received the Robert A. Millikan Medal at the summer 2013 meeting of the American Association of Physics teachers. He is a Fellow of the APS and the AAPT.

Gould is a native of California and received his B.A. and his Ph.D. degrees from the University of California, Berkeley. He did postdoctoral work at the National Bureau of Standards (now NIST) and taught at the University of Michigan before coming to Clark in 1971. His leisure time is spent with his family and listening and playing music, especially jazz. He also enjoys playing clarinet with the Assumption College Band and the Senior Klez .

Gould wishes to promote open standards and open source software. Please do not send e-mail with attachments in a proprietary format. If you use proprietary software, please take a little extra time to send your attachment as a rtf, pdf, or text file.

Information about the other Harvey Allen Gould.

Updated 25 March 2022.