Letter #57
One folded sheet blue paper with four 7¾ x 9¾” pages (three lined), embossed in upper left corner

Date: 4/3/1859
Place: San Francisco
From: Chittenden
To: Mrs. C.H. Fassett

San Francisco 3d April/59
Mrs. C. H. Fassett
                         Granville Ohio
                                      Dear Mother
Yours of _____ date was Received
per last mail and forwarded to Pacheco for Ann and Harris. Wm Hale and Seeley Bennett arrived on last Steamer 29th Mch Seeley has the Chills, Hale well. They were left at Tehauntepec two weeks by the grounding of the River Steamer but as I ascertained the reason of their being left I did not feel uneasy. They say it is a fine route naturally but accommodations very poor. Musquitos &c very plenty. Hale says he is very glad to get back home again and I Think most Californians feel the same way after a visit to the States probably on account of the difference in customs habits &c which becomes nearly second nature by long associations. I am very sorry that you are looking for me for I find it impossible to come home this summer as our business season will commence soon and I have so much to do it would not be wise to leave at this season and prospects are good for business. If Mr Hale had returned one month earlier as he had intended I should have come. but within the last month things have transpired which prevent my coming I shall come this fall or early winter certain as I can make my arrangements so to leave. but if I should leave now I should feel uneasy and in a hurry to get back while if I wait untill Fall my presence is not so necessary in winter and trade dull I can enjoy the visit so much the better. I have friends going this and the next Steamer which I should like much to go with, but business before pleasure always with me. hope sometime to get fixed so that I can visit you more frequently. I know you will not think I do not want to come but that it is a necessity that keeps me here I have been looking forward for two years with pleasure to a visit home and it seems hard to delay it for half a year more. but so it must be hope you will resume your letters to me direct as soon as you receive this as I get them three or four days sooner than if they go to Martinez first. all well at Pacheco I am going up there in a day or two. We are much obliged for the Daguerotypes. Recd a letter from Harris this morning. There was a Steamboat Explosion this morning on the Bay this morning, have not full particulars but you will get them in your paper by this mail. two or three known to be killed. my best love to all. write often if you want any money send to me always. Yours as ever.

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