The Fassett Letters - Letter #30

Date: 8/1/1856
Place: Sacramento City
From: N.C. Fassett
To: Doct. H. Fassett
Sacramento City Augt 1st /56
Doct. H. Fassett
             Granville, O.  Dear Father
                                                               You are no doubt very anxious to hear from me in regard to the recent fire in Placerville I sent you a paper by the last mail giving full particulars, I have lost considerable. am now building Brick on one lot and have built a frame house, at the old stand and rented it to Harris and Hale. Hale saved all his goods and I furnished Harris with capital to go into equal copartnership with Hale. They have a good business and will do well. Harris is determined to make something. you need have no fears for him. I am settling up everything, and buying Gold dust. That will be my only business for a few months. I am now on my way home from San Francisco where I have been for Iron doors for the new buildings. Saw Mr. Harker yesterday he is going to live in San Francisco. We feel under obligations for your own and mothers Ambrotypes. Ann has not been very well for a few weeks but her health is now improving. All the rest well. The Vigilance Committee of San Francisco are still in session and are supported by all law abiding citizens. Hetherington and Brace were executed by them last Tuesday. I never saw such a time as there was in San F- and hope circumstances never will compel such measures again. Towns are being burned almost daily, supposed generally to be fired by desperados, but wo be to him who is caught, in the act. A House in San Francisco supposing me to be burned out clean offered me 5 to $10,000 worth of goods to commence again. I do not need them but fully appreciate their kindness. If you need any thing do not hesitate to inform me. My best love to all our family and friends shall try and write Sarah, Jane and Mary next mail. hope to hear every mail from some of you     Your Afft Son
                                                N. C. Fassett
I have a lame hand & cannot write

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