The Fassett Letters - Letter #42

Date: 1/17/58
Place: Placerville
From: Harris
To: Mother, Father, John Fassett
Placerville  Jan 17th 1858              
                                       Dear Mother
                                                          I received your last monthly epistle a few days since and now will try and answer in time. I was at church this morning the text was 84th psalm 10 verse the sermon relative to the 2 great churches Christian & antichristian and was very well delivered.
                                                                        Our business is not so brisk this time of year and I am getting quite fleshy am as fleshy as you ever saw me altho’ not as much as I was the winter of /54. I was very sorry you did not think more of my Ambrotype but can only say that one grows old in any country & close attention to business and a little trouble wears on one any wheres, even in youthful Cal. You at least can see me very near as I am now only I think it flatteres me some As to my having the blues when I wrote you that letter it might have been so for even my fun loving little body is not proof against the insidious foe but notwithstanding I have not been able to always feel happy & contented and have not been as yet able to lay by but little money I care not so much for myself as for you & Father & my Brothers & Sisters for if I could be able to see you once a year & send you a little cash now and then it would make me much happier than I now am, and am in hopes in a year or two I can accomplish my wishes tho’ it seems a long while to wait. I must again thank you for your kind & long letters & the great amount of news contained in them and am very sorry cannot fill mine in the same style. We all have our gifts yours seems to bear & forbear makeing all happy around you, but as for mine I have never found it out and am afraid whatever it is is of little account. One thing you say but little about Uncle Elias’s folks now if him & I do not exactly agree on some points I wish to hear from him sometimes & to be remembered to them all whenever I write, for if we all have faults we also are none of us without our good points & his are many                             Your Harris

[Begin page three.]

                     Dear Father
                                    I sometimes blame myself for not writing you more and oftener but mother writes so regular and often and by the time that hers are answered I have nothing else to write so yours comes out rather meager altho’ I mean it as much for you as her, still one cannot but like it better when addressed wholly to ones self. I am in hopes to make more money next year than in the last and if I can get a start mean to come and see you all. at least I will make you a visit & make up my mind where I wish to settle then I shall be contented as it is now without home or any of its associations you need not wonder I am sometimes down a little and long for a place where I can go out and in and feel as if someone was interested in my affairs & some one to whom I can talk over & advise with in relation to business & pleasure. If you feel as if you could write me a line now & then I hope you will for I do so like to see your writing & have your advice
                                    Remember me to your Brother & family & all friends & I remain yours Truly  H. H. Fassett

[Begin page four.]

                   Now John Fassett
                                  You young scamp as you wrote on the last page so will I answer. Did you mean to make fun of your dear Brother cause nature placed a few hairs on his face & he chose to wear them; Or Mr Now Whisker and did you only wish to receive another one smooth faced & so compare notes. Well I’ll tell you what I’ll do  you send me yours first & if I make as much fuss & feel so bad to find you growing old as you with me will just seal the picture up & return to you. I had always thought likenesses sent from friends after an absence of years a pleasure to the receiver but as I have learned to the contrary shall in future be careful how I send mine. I am much obliged for your letter & hope you will continue to write often & be sure I will answer all your letters. Jane how do you do and how is your poor “old Dog Tray” Mary I dont believe the yarn about “the blue eyed chap” & Harry you long bean pole why dont you scratch your mark on each paper & tell me about the Girls. & Willie wee, wee, cant you put a word in now & then to your aff Brother                  H H Fassett

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